609-694-5444 info@burlprop.com

Clifton Mills Master HOA Rules and Regulations Feedback

Clifton Mill Single-Family Homeowners; As you may already be aware, efforts are underway to update the unified rules and regulations that the Single-Family Homes portions of the community are, in part, governed by.  Note that the rules and regulations are a separate...
Pet Licensing and Vaccinations

Pet Licensing and Vaccinations

Licensing and vaccinations are required yearly for all dogs and cats. NJ State law since 1862. If you have not already done so, please see to it, as soon as possible....
BPS Closed For MLK Day

BPS Closed For MLK Day

Please Note:   Burlington Property Services will be CLOSED Monday, January 20, 2025. Messages and emails received on this day will be returned promptly, in the order they were received, Tuesday, January 21,...