609-694-5444 info@burlprop.com

Clifton Mill Single-Family Homeowners;

As you may already be aware, efforts are underway to update the unified rules and regulations that the Single-Family Homes portions of the community are, in part, governed by.  Note that the rules and regulations are a separate issue than the community by-laws, covenants and declarations that you may have heard reference to, and it is the board’s responsibility to maintain, update and enforce the rules and regulations.  The current rules and regulations are somewhat outdated, and above all else, clumsy and confusing on their format.  The Master’s board has been working together to update the rules and regulations and make the format of the document much easier to understand and follow along with.

We will hold the final vote in a public meeting, the date of which has not yet been determined.

Between now and the meeting we are making this comment page available for your use.  Following the instructions below, you will be able to leave your comments and suggestions on a copy of the actual rules and regulations document.  If you would also like to address the board in person about the rules and regulations, please note that in your comments as well.  All of those requesting to address the board will be provided a time slot at the meeting in order to do so.


Please make your comments and suggestions in this Google Doc. It is protected so you should only be able to see it in Suggesting mode. Please take a minute to make sure that you are logged into your Google account and that you are only in suggesting mode. See photo below for what it should look like in the top right hand corner of your screen. You’ll see an icon with your account and check that you are in suggesting mode. 

Once you are in this view, you should be able to select the area you want to make a comment about and the + sign will show up in a speech bubble. You can then make a comment about that section. You can also make general comments about the document by right clicking and selecting comment. 

If you have problems leaving comments in the document, feel free to send feedback via email to paul@burlprop.com.
If you have any questions, please let us know. Feedback is due by November 13, 2024 prior to the community meeting being held November 14.