609-694-5444 info@burlprop.com

Now that Mother Nature has given the all clear and the flower beds are warm and dry enough to work in, it’s time to get our hands dirty. So much pleasure can be found in working in our flower beds when all the colors of the flowers and greenery of the shrubs come to life after the cold winter and early spring.

Maintaining the edges of the beds presents such a nice, clean, crisp look. Mulching is a wonderful way to help your plants retain the water they need on those hot sunny summer days, while 3/8” to 1” River Rock is a great way to stop those weeds from popping up.

As with any Home Owners Association, there are guidelines to be followed as we get out and start working in our yards so make sure to review page 1, sections 1 through 8, of your Rules & Regulations and submit an ECO form when appropriate.

Gather your gloves, kneeler, trowel, hat and sun block and happy gardening!