* Rules subject to change with any changes in CDC/STATE guidelines*
The Pool Manager and pool attendant are responsible for the safety and sanitary operation of the pool and grounds, general conduct of members, and have complete authority to refuse to admit any member or guest because of health reasons, intoxication, misconduct or other causes.
Every resident that wants to use the pool during the 2022 season must complete a registration and utilize their pass with attached 2022 stickers for each full-time residing resident in their family. Residents will be considered those listed on the current census of record. The sticker must be applied to the upper right-hand corner of the photo pool pass.
- Membership ID cards with a sticker for the 2022 year are required for admittance to the pool area. Residents, in good standing, who complete and submit/return the registration form will be granted access.
- If you have submitted an application and photo(s) in a previous year, your Membership ID card(s) were returned to you and are your responsibility, but if there have been changes to your household or you have lost your pass, submit registration and required photo(s) and your Membership ID cards/passes and stickers will be mailed to you.
- For new members/homeowners, submit a registration and required photo(s), and your Membership ID cards/passes and stickers will be mailed to you. The Membership ID card(s) are your responsibility
- Lost or misplaced Membership ID cards are subject to a $5.00 replacement charge per missing pass. If you have lost your previous year’s pass/stickers please remit payment of $5.00 online or via mail in the form of a check made payable to Clifton Mill Community and submit registration and photo(s), and your Membership ID cards and stickers will be mailed to you. Please contact BPS for replacement, a new picture will be required.
- Entry to the pool will be denied for failure to show membership ID with a 2022-year sticker or to the pool attendant on duty.
- Temporary visitors, house guests or children that visit for a couple of weeks or on weekends, or parents that visit during the summer are not members and are subject to guest fees.
- Guests will be admitted only when accompanied by a member of the Association and a guest fee is paid. Each member is responsible for their guests. When the sponsoring member leaves the pool, the guests must also leave. Any child who is sixteen (16) years or older will be permitted to bring one (1) guest to the pool provided that the guest is at least sixteen (16) years or older.
- No child under sixteen (16) years of age will be permitted to enter pool grounds unless accompanied by one of his/her parents or a responsible adult. An adult for these purposes is anyone at least eighteen (18) years of age. A child will be considered to be sixteen (16) years of age if he or she reaches the age of sixteen (16) by August 31. One adult will be entitled to be responsible for no more than six (6) children at one time.
- All children thirteen (13) and under may be permitted to enter the deep end of the pool alone, only if they have passed a swimming test. In the event a child has not passed a swimming test, then he or she may be permitted to enter the deep end of the pool only when accompanied by a qualified adult swimmer.
- Use of the wading pool is restricted to children up to and including the age of five (5).
- A person eighteen (18) years or older may be allowed to bring your children to the pool if they are registered as your babysitter/nanny, etc. The person will be a substitute for the parents and will use the parents’ ID card. ID cards of households with sitters will be identified. If you bring your sitter to the pool with you, the sitter will be considered a guest and you will be required to pay a guest fee.
- No one is permitted in the pool area unless a pool attendant is on duty.
- Non-qualified swimmers, regardless of age, will not be permitted in deep water.
- Children using the wading pool are solely the responsibility of their parents and are not under the supervision of the pool attendant. Parents must remain with children at the wading pool at all times.
- Proper pool attire is required (no street clothes are allowed)
- No running, ball throwing, pushing, wrestling, dunking, rough playing, water guns, foul language etc. are permitted within the pool or pool grounds. This will be strictly enforced. One warning will be given to individual(s) for any of the above; upon a second occurrence, the individual(s) will lose pool privileges for the remainder of the day. If the individual(s) acts inappropriately on another occasion the incident will be reported to management and the individual(s) pool privileges will be revoked for the remainder of the season.
- All injuries, however slight, must be reported to the Pool Manager or one of the pool attendants. It should also be reported to the Association.
- Flotation devices: Noodles will be permitted at all times, as long as they are used strictly for the purpose they are intended (no rough housing with the noodles will be permitted). No other adult flotation devices will be permitted.
- Swimmees Flotation Devices – Swimmees are not recommended for use by our Pool Management Company. Adults allowing their children to use swimmees must be arms length from the child and are not permitted to allow children to enter the pool alone.
- The pool deck is to be kept clear at all times. No strollers are allowed on the deck apron but may be stored on the grassy areas. No baby pools are permitted in the pool area.
- No diving is permitted.
- All non-toilet trained children will be required to wear My pool Pal Swimster swim diapers or equivalent approved swim diapers to enter either the “big pool” or the wading pool.
- To find out more on how to purchase My Pool Pal Swimster swim diapers, visit
- All trash must be deposited in the trash receptacles.
- Persons suffering from communicable illnesses, sores, fungus infections, eye, ear, nose or throat infections are prohibited from using the pool. Additionally, no one may enter either pool if they have or have had a gastrointestinal illness within the last 7 days. The Pool Manager will bar any person who, in their opinion, exhibits evidence of any of the above.
- Chairs and chaise lounges are provided free, on a first-come, first-serve basis. Saving or holding chairs or lounges for others will not be permitted. Chaise lounges are not permitted in the wading pool area.
- All persons must leave the pools when the ALL-OUT whistle is sounded.
- No pets are allowed in the pool area.
- No smoking is allowed within the pool area.
- Please do not distract the pool attendant(s) with idle conversation. They are there for the safety of the members. If you have a problem or questions concerning the interpretation of the rules and regulations, please discuss them with the Pool Manager and/or Association Manager.
***NOTE: There are many young children at the pool at all times. It is important that parents are responsible for their children and are aware of their child’s limitations in the pools. Although the pool attendant(s) are there for the safety of everyone using the facility, a little extra assistance and caution will certainly be appreciated.
- Glass or glass containers are not allowed on the pool property. This includes baby bottles, which must be plastic.
- No grills of any type are permitted, except for Association sponsored events.
- Food will be permitted; however, the members will be responsible for all clean up.
- No alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs will be permitted at the pool.
- Persons under the influence of either of the above will be denied entry to the pool.
- The Management will not be responsible for lost jewelry, valuables, clothing or property in or about the pool area.
- All residents, including children, using the pool facilities do so at their own risk. The Management will not be responsible for any accidents in connection with such use.
- Members and/or guests will be responsible for the cost of any damages caused through their negligence and/or carelessness.
- Parking is permitted in the pool area parking lot only. NO PARKING is allowed on Clifton Mill Drive.
DATES OF SERVICE— Weather Permitting (Dates subject to Change — any changes/notices will be posted on Pool Gate)
FIRST DAY POOL OPENS: Saturday, May 28, 2022
Weekends Only: May 28, 29, 30; June 4, 5, 11, 12, 18, 19, 2022
Every Day: June 25, 2022 through September 5, 2022 (subject to lifeguard (s) availability)
POOL CLOSES: @ end of Swim – Monday, September 5, 2022.
Hours of Operation: 11:00 am – 8:00 pm. Hours are subject to change. Residents will be notified.
- Only four (4) guests will be permitted per household (Please note that this is subject to change).
- No free guests will be permitted. Each guest will be required to use 1 of the 10 entries on a guest pass that has been purchased in advance. You will be required to use 1 of the 10 entries per guest on the weekdays, weekends and holidays. Children four (4) years old and under will be admitted free. Guest passes do NOT expire until all 10 entries have been utilized.
- Guests may enter, leave and re-enter on the same guest pass ONLY if re-entry is on the same day and must always be accompanied by a Clifton Mill owner/resident.
- Pool rules will be strictly enforced and must be adhered to by residents and guests alike.
- Guest passes must be purchased from the Association Manager, (BPS), and are available by mail ONLY. Payments must be by check only, made payable to Clifton Mill Community Association.
- Passes will be sold at $25.00 per pass — 10 guest entries per pass. The passes do not expire until all 10 guest entries have been used.
A completed guest pass request form (the top portion of this page) along with your check in the amount of $25.00 per guest pass (10 entries per pass) should be mailed to:
Clifton Mill Community Association
C/O Burlington Property Services
6 Terri Lane, Suite 300
Burlington, NJ 08016
*** Please contact Caroline at the management office at 609-694-5444 or preferably via email at with any questions***
As a reminder, if your dues and/or Violations-fines are not current, your passes cannot be accepted for entry into the pool area. The Pool attendant(s) cannot accept payment, nor will they allow you to entire the pool. You must contact the management office on the next business day.
Delinquency lists are updated weekly. Any delinquent payments must be received at least one week before admission to the pool.
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