609-694-5444 info@burlprop.com

There are several upcoming Bordentown Township Meetings you may be interested in attending. 



6:30 PM

8:30 PM

Township Committee Meeting

Unless otherwise noted, Township Committee meetings begin at 6:30 PM with an executive session from which the public is excluded.

The meeting reopens to the public at 7:30 PM.


1 Municipal Dr, Fieldsboro, NJ 08505, USA

7:00 PM

8:30 PM

Planning Board Meeting (Cancelled)
1 Municipal Dr, Fieldsboro, NJ 08505, USA

7:00 PM

9:00 PM

Mayor Citizen Meeting

Mayor Fuzy and Deputy Mayor Miller will be available for off-the-record conversations with citizens from 7-9 p.m. at the Senior Community Center (3 Municipal Drive).

Mayor Fuzy is eager to hear from residents in an open dialogue regarding anything Bordentown Township. Light refreshments will be provided by the Mayor during the meeting. #BordentownTwp #MayorCitizenMeetings

Save the date for additional monthly Mayor/Citizen Meetings in 2024:

  • April 19 with Committeewoman Lozito

  • May 17 with Deputy Mayor Miller

  • June 21 with Committeeman Grayson

  • September 20 with Committeeman Grayson

  • October 18 with Committeewoman Lozito

  • November 15 with Committeeman Holliday

3 Municipal Dr, Fieldsboro, NJ 08505, USA